Do you have a question about weddings at St Mark's? Here are some questions and answers that may help.
Can we be married at St Mark's?
You have a legal right to do so if either or both of you live in the parish or are on the church electoral roll, and neither of you has a partner from a previous marriage still living. You may need to ask about parish boundaries, and about how 'residence' is defined. If neither of you is baptized, this must also be discussed.
(The electoral roll is a list of those who claim a real connection with the church and have habitually attended worship for at least six months.)
If either of you has a partner from a previous marriage still living, we are prepared to consider a wedding here, but you will need to discuss your situation in detail first with one of the clergy.
If neither of you is resident in this parish and neither of you is on the electoral roll of this parish you could Qualify to be married here if you can claim a connection with the parish in one of several ways which will be explained to you. You will need to provide evidence of the ‘link’.
If the ‘link’ involves you attending regularly you are asked to sign the Wedding Sheet at the back of church after each of the services you attend.
If either of you changes your address before the wedding, you must let us know - it may affect your legal right to be married in the parish.
How much does it cost?
The fees, some of which are fixed nationally, are revised each year; you will be given a list of the current rates, including the various 'extras' you might wish to have at your first meeting. The ‘usual’ cost is around £700.
What is the procedure?
Application forms are available in church after the main Sunday service, and someone will be on hand to answer any initial questions and identify your Qualifying Status. Please bring some photographic ID (passport or photo driving licence) with you as this is required when making a formal booking. They will tell you whether or not you need an interview with one of the clergy before the booking is made. If you do, phone to fix a date and time and bring the completed application forms to that interview. If you do not, return the completed forms within two weeks, at a Sunday service or directly to one of the clergy. You will then be given a receipt for the forms. Weddings are normally on Saturdays, except Easter Eve. Other days are by special arrangement only. Once a date has been fixed, you can then arrange your reception.
About three months before your wedding, contact one of the clergy to fix another meeting, at which the following will be arranged…….
Legal Preliminaries
Normally banns are published - in other words, your names will be read out at the main service on three successive Sundays to give an opportunity for anyone who knows a legal impediment to the wedding to declare it.
If either or both of you live outside the parish, you must arrange for banns to be read at your local Anglican church as well, after which you must get a certificate from the minister at that parish.
In certain situations, marriage may need to be by licence rather than the above, but this is very exceptional.
A date for rehearsal -
Details of the service, including:
Traditional wedding marches (Wagner & Mendelssohn) or other?
Hymns; normally two but you may wish to have three, or just one!
Vows; using all Christian names or just one.
One or two rings?
Readings and prayers; you may invite a friend or family member to be involved.
Printed service cards? If so, you should not order them until the service details have been agreed with the clergy
Bells, additional flowers? (these are all 'extras')
Video; permission is normally given, but you must sign a form declaring that no commercial use will be made of the video, and the video operator must abide by guidance notes provided. An additional fee, to cover copyrights &c, is payable
Photography; permission is normally given for photographs outside of church before and after the service (inside if wet) and in the vestry during the signing of the registers. In addition, the official photographer may take one or two photographs from the back during the service, without flash. If another wedding follows yours, we ask you to leave by one hour after the time booked for your wedding to begin.
We offer our best wishes for your future happiness!
To book a wedding, change details of an existing booking or make further enquiries, please come to the Sunday 11am service. There will be people there to help after the service.